How do I enable trip tracking?

In GeoH, we have a feature to help you track the trips of your caregivers in a day or during a visit.

First, turn on trip tracking in your provider settings:

  1. Go to Provider Settings on the sidebar.

  2. Click “Edit”.

  3. Click the Payroll tab → Default Trip Tracking → toggle on Enable Trip Tracking.

  4. Choose how you want to track your mileage by selecting your Pay Type (you can choose to track miles, duration, or miles and duration).

  5. Click “Save”.


Next, you need to enable trip tracking for your staff:

  1. Go to “Staff” on the sidebar.

  2. Search and select the staff you want to edit. On the staff preview, click “Edit”.

  3. Turn the Trip Tracking toggle on. Add rates.

  4. Click “Save”.


Once enabled, your staff will be able to activate trip tracking by clicking on the Trip button once they check in to their visit.


To assign mileage rates:


  • Mileage rates per visit types

  1. Go to “Visit Types” on the sidebar.

  2. Search and select the visit type you want to edit. On the visit type preview, click “Edit”.

  3. Turn the Trip Tracking toggle on. Add rates.

  4. Click “Save”.

  • Mileage rates per staff + visit type:

  1. Go to “Staff” on the sidebar.

  2. Search and select the staff you want to edit. On the staff preview, click “Edit”.

  3. Choose your visit type under Visit Type Configuration and toggle Enable Trip Tracking on. Add rates.

  4. Click “Save”.