IN - Sandata Alternate EVV Provider Registration

Please fill out the form from FSSA hyperlinked below to get your GEOH account configured with Sandata:

Once you get to the vendor part of the form, use the following information:Vendor: GeoHEVV Vendor Contact Name: Dylan VesterEVV Vendor Contact Number: (317) 455-3218EVV Vendor Contact Email: engineering@gogeoh.comEVV Product Name: GeoH
In 1-3 business days, you will receive an email containing the subject:
"IN FSSA:Alt EVV::Welcome Letter and Copy of Prod Creds Issued"
Next steps:
  1. Download both files.
  2. Use the Welcome Kit to update your Sandata Aggregator password using the temporary password they provided (please do this ASAP, the temporary password EXPIRES).
  3. Send us the Production Credentials so we can properly get you configured to transmit information to Sandata.